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SocialDataLab > Projetos > Project List > Business Intelligence applied to Human Resources management

Business Intelligence applied to Human Resources management

Motivation, satisfaction and loyalty of employees are decisive factors for the competitiveness and success of organizations. Knowing the perception of your employees about your organization is therefore essential so that you can make the best decisions according to the needs of your business, also ensuring the cohesion and performance of your team.

Social Data Lab helps to centralize all the information related to your employees in one platform, allowing a more efficient and dynamic human resources management.

We provide end-to-end solutions to help knowing your team’s level of satisfaction. Within one month we ensure the development of personalized questionnaires tailored to the specificities of your organization, as well as the collection of the results that will be made available in the form of interactive dashboards for public and/or private consultation. With our solutions we will help you identify and enhance the talent that makes your organization unique.

Project details

Client name:
Generic demo (confidential client)
Business Intelligence