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Advanced Statistics

Statistical analysis – univariate, bivariate and multivariate – is fundamental to interpret and understand reality in a multidimensional and interconnected way, that is, crossing multiple indicators from various data sources. The knowledge then generated will be the key to reasoned decision making.

Among the multiple analysis usually performed by Social Data Lab, whether descriptive or inferential, we highlight the following:

  • Descriptive tables and graphs (univariate and bivariate analysis)
  • Independence, association and correlation tests

Some examples:

– Chi-Square / Fisher Exact Test / Cramér’s V / Yule’s Q / Phi

– Test-t / Mann–Whitney Test / ANOVA / Kruskal-Wallis Test

– Spearman and Pearson Correlation Coefficients

– Segmentation / Cluster analysis

– Multiple linear regression analysis or Logistics regression analysis

– Factor analysis